The capabilities of 5G are creating new opportunities for communication service providers (CSPs) in traditional and new markets. In order to address the use cases of 5G and deliver the complete 5G potential, CSPs need to upgrade their digital business support systems (BSS), which is more popularly known as the digital BSS platform. In the countries where 5G has been launched successfully, there is tremendous scope for innovation. But the main challenge that CSPs are facing is monetization, especially if they are only providing speed as a part of their 5G offering.
Most CSPs are aware that the success of 5G technology depends a lot on the digital BSS platform for telco and their ability to bring about a change in their existing business model. When it comes to accelerating digital transformation for CSPs, a digital business support system has become the standard.
Advantages of an Advanced Digital BSS to CSPs
Here are the advantages offered by an advanced digital business support system to CSPs.
Automated Cross-channel Support
An improved customer experience is not just about providing an improved user interface across various channels. It involves integrating support processes as well. With a digital business support system, a CSP can offer hassle-free and consistent support across various platforms, including social media, mobile, and the web, with a personalized touch.
Automated multi-channel support using a telecom digital BSS solution translates to faster resolution of queries. The latest additions to the world of customer support are WhatsApp, AI, and NLP-powered chatbots. All of these help in the faster and more effective resolution of customer queries and concerns.
Centralized Catalog Management
Along with 5G and the surge of other technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence augmented reality, and virtual reality, CSPs have tremendous challenges in front of them. A major challenge is to cope with the ever-increasing and changing demands of business models without making lengthy and costly alterations to the backend code.
With a digital business support system, it is possible for CSPs to have a common, centralized product repository and an API framework for faster and more effective distribution of new products and services to customers. Having a centralized catalog also helps CSPs define plans based on key metrics such as time, volume, and service quality. Hence, network slicing, SD-WAN, and other 5G use cases can be easily deployed and implemented.
Systematic Revenue Management
An advanced and robust telecom BSS solution facilitates convenient and automated charging. It allows CSPs to efficiently charge others for using voice, SMS, data, and other network infrastructure. A modern digital BSS platform for telco with real-time APIs can also facilitate 5G use cases like surge charging when the demand for 5G services is quite high.
Phased Implementation
The phased approach is common for implementing digital solutions. In this approach, the functionalities of the modern BSS are introduced sequentially, replacing the older system gradually. With phased implementation, smaller increments are easy to handle. For CSPs who do not want to go through the entire digital transformation to 5G at once, the telecom digital BSS solution allows for phased deployment. With phased implementation, there is a limited risk of migration, which also requires fewer resources. A modern telecom BSS solution can be deployed virtually over the cloud.
Deliver Superior Customer Experience with Digital BSS
Are you looking for a robust telecom digital BSS solution for your business?
Canvas, a complete Digital BB Suite, can help businesses transform by delivering exclusive customer experiences. The digital BSS platform for telco will help you deliver a superior experience to customers with faster speeds, improved connectivity, and better network coverage. Get in touch with us to explore more about the digital BSS platform and how it can transform your telecom business.